Sustainable Fashion Week

Festival Member
Bristol, UK

SFW is the UK’s first fashion week of its kind.

Our focus will not be on next season’s trends but instead will be on up-skilling, inspiring and empowering the community. We want to generate action, from the ground up, that supports a change in our relationship with fashion.

Orignally planned for April 2020 and reschedule for Autumn 2021 we’ll be curating a week of creative, community-led activity that celebrates the many ways we can begin new fashion habits that don’t harm people or planet.

“We are all wearing the land on our backs. Whether the fibres are natural or synthetic, their origin is the land. We should enjoy the immense possibilities clothing gives us to express ourselves, but should never forget that we are, in every second, connected to the soil and the wider natural world through the fabric touching our skin.”

— Amelia Twine, SFW Founder

Why Bristol?

Bristol has been declared the most eco-friendly city in the UK, thanks to research conducted by both and Good Move. The factors contributing to this ranking included recycling, air quality, number of eco-friendly Google searches and the amount of green spaces.

Bristol continues to uphold this reputation when it comes to sustainable fashion. According to information collected by SARRU Home, Bristol is the third best city for sustainable shopping in the country (beat only by Bath and Cambridge). The study looked at certain shop types per 100,000 people: clothing, food, zero-waste/charity and second-hand transport. Our neighbour, Bath, was best in the country for sustainable clothing, food and furniture shopping.




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Team Love